#50 – Talking vs Do-ing? Fantasies and Physiological Practice

Episode Notes
This week we a casual discussion building on "onethingness" and "thinking/thoughting"...
TALKING VS DOING. We all fall victim to not totally getting this - particularly these days when the world supercharges and sometimes even greatly rewards thinking and talking - in a word - passivity. Some feel the nastier or edgier their words are, that this "revolutionary act" will magically remove them from being passive.
Some think passivity can be attenuated by simply making positive statements or aphorisms about triumph or victory, or about the state of affairs that is clearly to "their advantage now" - as if reality will conform to their childish emotional needs.
Some feel that passively posting about active things can overcome the need to do anything, and that "hey, as long as someone else does it".
One of the main weaknesses of this species is that we are prone to rich fantasy lives in which we convince ourselves that something is "happening" and that passivity is some form of do-ing, theorising is some form of understanding. And worst of all, that all this has a strong causal relationship with a chance outcome.
In the Bio-individual method, there is only one valid outlook.
"Ok, who cares? So what are you doing about it?
The question we all need to ask - how willing are we to live a vital but disciplined life of action, do-ing. Putting down the phone, the books, dropping the pointless arguments or the tv controller and do-ing?
This is harder than it looks.....which is why barely anyone does it.
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